Chloebia gouldiae

Gouldian Finch

VVOFT0059 Chloebia gouldiae<br>
code: VVOFT0059
Chloebia gouldiae,Gould-Amadine,Gouldian Finch
code: VVOFT0689

Exif Keywords: Natur, Nature, Animals, Tiere, Voegel, Vogel, Bird, Fliegen, Fly
Exif ImageDescription: Chloebia gouldiae,Gould-Amadine,Gouldian Finch

The Gouldian Finch, Erythrura gouldiae (or Chloebia gouldiae), also known as the Lady Gouldian Finch or Gould's Finch, is a colourful bird native to Australia. There is strong evidence of a continuing decline, even at the best-known site near Katherine in the Northern Territory. It is bred in captivity, but is an endangered species, with less than 2,500 left in the wild.The finch was named after Elizabeth Gould, wife of the British ornithological artist John Gould. It is also known in its native country as the Rainbow, Gould, or Lady Gouldian Finch....The numbers of Gouldian Finches have decreased quite dramatically during the 20th century. Their habitat has been reduced or altered. They have also been affected by parasites called air sac mites, which have reduced their numbers drastically. Their beautiful colours mean that they are easily caught by predators. Fires are listed as the number-one threat to the natural populations. The total number of Gouldian finches altogether is not low, however, because they are among the most popular pet birds, and are bred in captivity for the pet trade.Actions have been taken and are underway to implement a recovery plan to recover and conserve its natural habitats, such as building protective fencing to prevent damage by herbivores. There is also detailed research on fire, food and movements at two sites to review its distribution, habitats, potential threats and conservation status of savanna granivorous birds. It was also proposed to find more suitable habitat for its conservation. Attempts at reintroduction have so far proved unsuccessful; however, they will continue a reintroduction program in eastern Queensland. It was also suggested to develop management guidelines for land-holders about appropriate land management, promoting the recovery programme and Gouldian Finches conservation.Gouldian Finches are about 130–140mm long. Both sexes are brightly coloured with black, green, yellow, red and other colours. The females tend to be less brightly coloured. This is thought to be so that they are less noticeable when sitting in a nest, while a colourful male can distract predators away from the nest, thereby ensuring the survival of the young. One major difference between the sexes is that the male's chest is purple, while the female's is a lighter mauve colour. Gouldian Finches' heads may be red, black, or yellow. People used to think they were three different kinds of finches, but now it is known that they are just colour variations. Selective breeding has also developed mutations( blue , yellow and silver instead of green back) in body colour and breast colour....Gouldian Finches are very social birds and are often found in large flocks. Flocks may consist of up to 500–1000 individuals. Pairs may even share hollows in the same tree when they are nesting. Gouldian Finches leave the nest at 3 weeks of age. Gouldian Finches are quiet birds that generally stay away from places where people live. Their calls are not heard over great distances.Like other finches, the Gouldian Finch is a seed eater. They prefer to feed on tall grasses rather than on the ground. For most of the year, Gouldian Finches feed mostly on ripe or half-ripe grass seeds. During the breeding season, however, the diet consists almost entirely on insects, such as beetles, termites, flies and spiders. Insects are rich in protein and help satisfy the demanding appetite of the young birds. Birds feed in small to large groups, and food may be taken on the ground or in flight.Gouldians bond and mate for life.In captivity mating is more elastic. They usually breed in the last part of the rainy season, when there is plenty of food around. The male courtship dance is a fascinating spectacle. When a male is courting a female, he bobs about ruffling his feathers to show off his colours. He expands his chest and fluffs out his forehead feathers. After mating, a female lays a clutch of about 4–8 eggs. Both parents help brood the eggs during the daytime, and the female stays on the eggs at night. When the eggs hatch, both parents help care for the young. Young Gouldians are very fragile until they get their final moult.Source:Wikipedia

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